mo.pla neuseenMAN
31/05/2025 - 01/06/2025
  • DAYS


The mo.pla neuseenMAN in the "City of Iron" FERROPOLIS is a triathlon highlight with πŸ”΄ RAD RACE 3 sprint πŸ”΄ RAD RACE 3 sprint relay πŸ”΄ RAD RACE 3 olymp πŸ”΄ RAD RACE 3 olymp relay πŸ”΄ RAD RACE 3 half πŸ”΄ RAD RACE 3 half relay πŸ”΄ RAD RACE 3 aquabike at Gremminer See. Many hundreds of participants are at the start on the more varied routes around the lake.

May 30, 2025 // Friday

16:00 - 18:00
Opening of the registration office / late entries / registration mo.pla neuseenMAN
16:00 - 18:00
Opening Triathlon EXPO
16:00 - 17:00
Free swimming with music (mo.pla neuseenMAN Beach)
17:00 - 18:00
Neotest swim with music, powered by Sailfish (mo.pla neuseenMAN Beach)
18:00 - 18:45
Bike course inspection mo.pla neuseenMAN sprint and olymp, powered by Cube Store Dessau (start mo.pla neuseenMAN Stage)
18:00 - 20:00
Opening L'Osteria with pasta special triathlon offer
19:00 - 20:15
WELCOME PARTY with Sven KΓΆrbs and Paralympics winner Martin Schulz (mo.pla neuseenMAN Stage)

May 31, 2025 // Saturday

08:00 - 12:30
Opening of the registration office / late entries / registration mo.pla neuseenMAN
08:00 - 18:00
Opening Triathlon EXPO
08:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Check In Bike mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 sprint ❌ RAD RACE 3 sprint relay
09:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Check In Bike mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 olymp ❌ RAD RACE 3 olymp relay
10:30 - 10:45
Competition briefing mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 sprint ❌ RAD RACE 3 sprint relay
11:00 - 11:25 a.m.
Swimming in mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 sprint ❌ RAD RACE 3 sprint relay
πŸ’₯11:30 am
START mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 sprint ❌ RAD RACE 3 sprint relay
11:45 - 12:00
Competition briefing mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 olymp ❌ RAD RACE 3 olymp relay
12:15 - 12:55 p.m.
Swimming in mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 olymp ❌ RAD RACE 3 olymp relay
START mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 olymp ❌ RAD RACE 3 olymp relay - finish swim time < 30min
1:01 pm
START mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 olymp ❌ RAD RACE 3 olymp relay - finish swim time < 30-35min
1:02 pm
START mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 olymp ❌ RAD RACE 3 olymp relay - finish swim time > 35min
14:30 - 17:30
Check Out Bike
15:00 - 16:00
Overall winner ceremony and honoring the age group winners
16:00 - 18:00
Opening of the registration office / late entries / registration ➑️ RAD RACE 3 half ❌ RAD RACE 3 half relay & aquabike
16:00 - 17:00
Free swimming with music (mo.pla neuseenMAN Beach)
17:00 - 18:00
Neotest swim with music, powered by Sailfish (mo.pla neuseenMAN Beach)
17:30 - 18:45
Bike course inspection mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 half ❌ RAD RACE 3 half relay & aquabike
19:00 - 20:30
TRIATHLON TALK with Niclas Bock and the top favorites of the mo.pla neuseenMAN half (mo.pla neuseenMAN Stage) incl. EAT & GREET "You grill, we talk" (just bring your grill or camping stove)

June 01, 2025 // Sunday

06:30 - 08:30 a.m.
Opening of the registration office / late entries / registration ➑️ RAD RACE 3 half ❌ RAD RACE 3 half relay & aquabike
08:00 - 15:00
Opening Triathlon EXPO
07:00 - 08:15 a.m.
Check In Bike mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 half ❌ RAD RACE 3 half relay & aquabike
08:00 - 08:15 a.m.
Competition briefing ➑️ RAD RACE 3 half ❌ RAD RACE 3 half relay & aquabike
08:30 - 08:55 a.m.
Swimming in mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 half ❌ RAD RACE 3 half relay & aquabike
START ELITE men's mo.pla neuseenMAN half
09:03 am
START ELITE women mo.pla neuseenMAN half
START main field mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 half ❌ RAD RACE 3 half relay & aquabike - finish swim time < 40min
09:21 am
START main field mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 half ❌ RAD RACE 3 half relay & aquabike - finish swim time 40-45min
09:22 am
START main field mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 half ❌ RAD RACE 3 half relay & aquabike - finish swim time 45-50min
09:23 am
START main field mo.pla neuseenMAN ➑️ RAD RACE 3 half ❌ RAD RACE 3 half relay & aquabike - finish swim time >50min
13:30 - 17:00
Check Out Bike mo.pla neuseenMAN
14:30 - 15:30
Overall winner ceremony and honoring the age group winners
Finish and conclusion of the mo.pla neuseenMAN triathlon festival